Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Plan Book Bungalows

The North end of South Los Angeles is dominated by neighborhoods of detached single-family housing, built during the Edwardian era, generally of late Queen Anne, Craftsman, Four-Square derivation. 

Many were constructed by small scale builders, "untrained architects," who only labored on a handful of homes.  Some of these supposedly nescient craftspeople created striking, original renditions, others adapted planbook specifications.

The Wilson Bungalow Book of 1910 (now a fabulous Dover reprint) was one such source of designs.  Number 372 (top) featured highly articulated rafter tails, four sets of twin, battered pillars, and a bay projection in the gable.

"A good substantial home, with every requisite for comfort.  This plan is well adapted to the seashore, but quite as suitable for any location, " reads the catalog description.

"The house is 28 feet front by 54 feet, and can be built for about $1800."  



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with your photo links? I can't enlarge all of them.

3:25 PM  

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