West Adams Heritage Association Spring Tour
A doozy, entitled Art in Historic Places: West Adams' Creative Canvas, this year's tour showcases the work of West Adams resident artists. Ten architecturally diverse venues are on tap, including those pictured, single family homes, a 1920's fourplex, a carriage house turned studio, and an early movie theatre.

Featured artists include: Rob Remer, Marina Moevs, Max Miceli, Sue Ann Jewers, Jenny Hager, Steven Irwin, Tom Lazarus, Taidgh O'Neill, Tolanna, Shelly Adler, Dianne Lawrence, Art Curtis, David Pacheco, Rory Cunningham, Susan Arena, Art Tobias, Mas Ojima, Donald Ferguson, Aaron Morse, Kim Lee Kahn, and Fredric Booker.
This self-guided, drive--or bike--yourself, tour is scheduled for

Saturday, June 5th, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tickets are $30 on the day of the event, at the check-in: 1824 S. 4th Avenue (at Washington Boulevard).
For more information, call 323-733-4223, or write tours@westadamsheritage.org; and, as always please wear shoes that won't mar hardwood surfaces.
Labels: Announcements