Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Real Estate Agents and Slogans

Everybody's got a slogan. That's advertising after all, or marketing, or branding, whatever. Or strategic branding, which I guess is like branding only it's strategic.

Thumbing through a recent trade publication, I noted at least seven agent slogans:

1. Got so-and-so? (The agent's first name)
2. So-and-so knows the Westside!
3. Honest. Energetic. Proven.
4. Where do you want to live next?
5. Call so-and-so, and start packing.
6. So-and-so--an LA woman who knows LA real estate.

And my least favorite, the oft-occurring: Your Realtor for Life. I've happened upon a half-dozen industry professionals with materials bearing this motto. I suppose it beats, Your Agent Till the Check Clears, or Your Agent Whilst the High Rollers Summer in the Caymans, or....Drop Dead.

Isn't that every providers goal, duh? Sustained relationships? Simply, I hope you'll like me enough to use me again. Your Agent for Life has about as much separation as Your Agent With Gross Motor Skills.

I'm on my second go-around with some clientele. It's nice--flattering even, but catchphrase(s) aside, if I want there to be a third time, I'd better perform.



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